Business Coaching Skills

A coach works with a junior entrepreneur using his business coaching skills. Business Coaching in Atlanta is provided by Success Facets.

We coach individuals and businesses to improve the full range of business, management, leadership, and personal development skills including:

  • Business execution, Management, and Leadership
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Planning – from simple action plans to business plans to strategic plans
  • Time Management
  • Marketing – both lead generation and repeat business
  • Sales – both conversion and average dollar sale
  • Profitability
  • Customer Service
  • Finance – financial statements, testing and measuring, financial ratios, key performance indicators, cashflow and margins
  • Change Management
  • Team – assessments, recruitment, retention, relationships, delegation, management and leadership
  • Systems – design, documentation, and monitoring
  • You – your goals, your strengths, your weaknesses, your beliefs and your identity

Ready to find out more?

Drop us a line today for a free quote!

We are certified in, and utilize, Business Coaching, Executive Coaching, Life Coaching and Strategic Intervention coaching where appropriate to maximize business and individual performance. What makes our coaching unique is that we us multiple disciplines to focus on the WHOLE-PERSON; from business, management and leadership skills, to behavioral skills, to relationship skills, to dealing with the changes in their lives both in and out of business. We tailor each coaching engagement to the specific goals and needs of the business or individuals being coached and every session is flexible so that it can focus on the specific needs at that time while still focusing on the client’s short and long-term goals. Life happens and changes in the business occur continuously. Our coaching changes as the needs change.

We engage clients in conversations around their visions, goals, wants, and desires and help shift them away from limiting beliefs and into understanding their true potential. We provide the education, tools, and frameworks so our clients understand exactly what they need to do, how to do it and when they need to do it to achieve their goals.

We will teach you, guide you, and direct you, so you will learn to do it yourself.

A young professional african american woman receives high praise from an executive she admires. She was able to impress him with skills she learned through business coaching in Atlanta, GA provided by Success Facets.