Operating your business in times of crisis (2 years later)

Two years ago (March 15, 2020), I wrote a post about operating your business in the early stages of the Corona virus crisis.  Two years later so much has changed and so much remains the same.  The world continues to operate in crisis mode not so much over the corona virus anymore but rather over the labor challenges, supply chain issues, market volitility, inflation, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine amongst others.  Any crisis affects people’s mental thinking and many actions become negative and irrational.  So, what should you do now?

  • Don’t argue with facts.   The news, the politicians, even local and global leaders will continue do things that don’t make logical sense yet we must live with the consequences.  The situations will change; the rules will change.  Don’t try to argue with the logic of the situation, it is beyond your control.  If the situation is global panic or global recession, you won’t win the argument regardless of irrationality.
  • Put your personal care first. Be sure you are healthy; physically, mentally, and financially.  This is critical as you can’t help others if you are challenged in these areas.
  • Your team’s morale is crucial! Given that the in the eyes of the news media the world is in crisis, communicating your business changes to your team becomes critical.  Without communication fear, uncertainty, and doubt fill the void and leads to more panic.  No news from the leadership is news itself – and not good news either.  With so many employees looking to change jobs, wanting a better environment, and unsure about their future and development, now is the time that great business leadsers need to overcommunicate and inspire employees about themselves, the business and the furture.
  • Keep selling and keep marketing. People will still buy products and services.  There will be taxes due, prices and availabiliy will change, your ability to service customers will be challenged and how you communicate with your customers and prospect becomes even more critical.  Those who market, sell and communicate better than their competition will be the winners long term.  With the world now accustomed to operating virtually, geography is dead and your market reach is far beyond what it was two years ago.  The playing field has been reset and this is your opportunity expand your reach.  You might want to help your customers understand why now is even a better time to do business with you.
  • Avoid the negativity and focus on what you can control.  Aviod the negative news, remain positive and focus on what you can control, yorself and what you can do to improve yourself, your relationships, your business and your employees.

Keep Calm and business on!  To your continued success!…………….Jeff


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